søndag den 28. maj 2017

Post copied from my other blog: The Sejd of Music

For those of you who are interest in the occult, magic and the power of music!

The sejd of music...

The very first and the very last thing we sense in each incarnation is sound! Sound vibrates on the highest density of almost all things...sound are atoms which vibrate the second fastest in our universe, on our plane of exsistance, and within ourselves. The more solid things are the lower the vibration and since sejd is the life force which is pure energy, then sound is the closets we come to this externally.

The ancient Egyptians, as far as we know, were the first ever to connect sound with the sejd! In addition to this they connected architecture to sound, so not only can you hear sejd, you can also see it! But back to the sound....

The vibrations of sound vibrate on different frequenzes! A frequency can in some ways be compared to a binary code...on and off! But unlike a binary code, a frequency is not "on and off" full stop, but acts and is sensed like waves of sound: the next time you are standing on a shore, pay attention to the waves hitting the shore line or bank...both the way these waves look and the sound pattern is what frequencies look like!

Another way to see these vibrations and frequencies are to take a large boxed loudspeaker, pour some salt on it and play around with the bass -and treble levels. Each vibration...the low ones being bass and the high ones being treble...has it's own unique pattern!

All the above is about understanding, and conciously sensing, hearing, and seeing the energy of the second highest density in the entire univers, only topped by force of the universe and life itself! But what does this sound do to us, without many of us even noticing it?

We all have our different preferences when it comes to music: one person's favorite styles of music, is another persons source to head aches and annoyment and some do not even like music as a whole! But two things are begining to become more clear as the studies of vibrations on our minds progresses: low vibrations in frequencies can cause feelings of passivness, despair, sadness and in the most severe cases mind dumbingness...while high vibrations in frequencies promotes the entire opposites! People listening to Heavy Metal are less likely to develope depressions according to scientific studies, while you just have to look at most rap/hip hop fans or pop fans to sense the lack of intelligence and the effects of brain washing!

This might also explain why those in power are so worried about Heavy Metal, Punk and Goth...all three genres have of course a bass sound to them, but it is clearly a different one opposed to the bass sound in techno or hip hop where the bass is much more constant and profound creating continually low vibrations! Heavy Metal, Punk, and Goth may not leave one feeling docile and in a state of deep meditation, but these three musical styles promote feelings of personal strenght, healthy aggression (supressed anger is one of the well known factors to depressions and lack of mental well being), creativiness, the urge to learn more, and free thinking etc. So no wonder that the politicians and the general public in 1970's Britain were so terrified of punk: at one moment all were relieved, the last remains of the early hard rock movement were all on drugs playing 20 minute long guitar solos at gigs were the audiences were increasingly bored ( Yaaayyy, the slaves are falling into the trance again, ready to do as we bid) and then suddenly a loud flesh piercing scream of anger was heard...the birth of Punk! Looking back at old media clips from the birth of Punk in England, you shoud think by the way the brain washed majority of Brits and the media reacted that the whole country had been taken over by aliens from outer space, zombies, KGB spies or what have you...the reactions are hillarous to watch today and you can barely believe that this mass hysteria ever took place, but this is to date the most perfect example of how those who will do anything to control us loose control and try to regain it..when things do not go as planned! No matter how one feel about Punk then it was and is still in some ways a huge FUCK YOU!!! to those who see us as nothing but slaves...the clergy of the abrahamic religions and their mindless followers, the zionists, the bankers and multi international corporations, the power hungry politicians and organisations such as the EU and UN...and the jewish controlled media!!!!

But what does sejd have to do with all this? Other affects of high vibrations is mentally opening and maturing your mind to a higher sense of spirituality, to delibrately alter your mind to a certain situation by the aid of music, the ability of sensing vibrations in your surroundings and in some cases actually feed on the vibrations of as an example, music: as for the latter, days after going to a gig I felt an increase in my energy levels and could get by on less food than normal together with a general improvement in my mental well being and during a gig the vibrations litterally sent me into a semi trance! Whether this is elemental vampirism or not can be debated. But never the less, from going into a trance to choosing the right crystals and tarot cards to banishing the effects of negative influences and those who create or feed on them, then vibrations is a key element in working with magic and the occult....by using sejd, the force of the universe, best found and sensed in...music!!!!!!!!!!

It is now 23:58 ( those who like Iron Maiden will get this), time to wake up if you want face a brand new dawn!!!!!!!

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